Diagnostic Evaluations

The first clinical visit with one of our psychologists is a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. This provides an opportunity to evaluate the nature of the presenting problem along with any additional difficulties the patient may be experiencing. It is also a chance for the clinician and the patient/family to get to know one another and determine whether it feels like a good fit therapeutically. This visit typically last for two hours and involves an in-depth semi-structured interview as well as the completion of questionnaires. Following the evaluation, the clinician will make recommendations to the patient and family regarding the most appropriate course of action and collaboratively determine the next steps. Such recommendations may include services at the Home for Anxiety, Repetitive Behaviors, OCD, and Related Disorders (HARBOR) or referrals to other professionals.


Individual Therapy

Individual therapy typically involves weekly, 45-minute long sessions. Clinicians and families jointly discuss the length of treatment at the outset and re-evaluate as needed during the course of therapy. Treatment is always tailored to the individual needs of each patient. In some situations (and particularly for younger children), it may be appropriate for caregivers and family members to participate in therapy. 


Intensive Treatment

Pending clinician availability, we can work with patients and families to develop a tailored plan for intensive treatment for certain disorders, including OCD, phobias, and panic disorder.